Proposal Objectives

Funded by the Retirement Research Foundation, the New AGE Research Team at the University of Illinois has proposed a three-year plan to gather information on existing recreational and horticultural programs and facilities, develop a research plan, and construct a prototype New AGE facility.

Year 1:
  • Host a roundtable of university and professional experts from multiple disciplines to enlist their participation in the conceptual development of a New AGE facility.
  • Create an on-line database of the information pertaining to physical activity and recreation options for older adults.
Year 2:
  • Measure the physiological demand of the recreational activities under consideration for inclusion in the New AGE facility. We will access the feasibility and effectiveness of a variety of flexibility, cardiovascular, muscle strength, and balance activities.
  • Provide recommendations for the optimal activities to include in the facility and develop a variety of physica l activity prescriptions for adults of varying functional levels.
  • Develop a custom-designed New AGE facility, including specifications, maintenance guidelines, and use protocols for hospitals, retirement communities, municipalities, and rehabilitation centers.

Year 3:

  • Design and construct a New AGE facility in Chicago and/or Champaign.
  • Develop a maintenance program for the facility.
  • Evaluate the impact of the New AGE unit on the health of older adults using the facility. We will implement a clinical trial in which participants are randomly assigned to the New AGE programs versus a control program and assess the impact on physical activity participation and health and quality of life measures.

The time has come to develop innovative means to get the older adult population moving. The New AGE concept brings together researchers, health care professionals, and community planners to address and solve this challenge!



2003 © Department of Kinesiology
College of Applied Life Studies
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign